Privacy Policy

PriceActionTrades uses third-party cookies and seeks some personal information to ensure a better experience for its users. The usage of these information has been encapsulated below:


A cookie is a file sent by a website to read some personalized or private information about the website visitors (such as name, email ID, credit card number, login credentials, and so on). Whenever a visitor visits a website that uses cookies, the website sends or drops a cookie file to the visitor’s browser to record the activities on their website. This task is made to ensure better service or product management to its respective users.

A cookie even lets a user remain login to a specific website even after the user closes the browser or turns off the device. So that the next time a user visits the same website he would automatically log in again.

Google AdSense Cookie Policy

PriceActionTrades implements Advertisements through Google AdSense. AdSense uses cookies to serve ads to website visitors. Cookies help Google to serve relevant and personalized ads to the users based on the website they are currently visiting or the websites they previously visited.

By continue using this site, you give us consent to drop cookies into your browser or hard drive to track your online activities, personal information, etc.

In Google AdSense, with the first-party cookies (cookies of Google’s own Ad network), there may be some other third-party cookies sent to your browser for personalized advertising.

If you don’t wish to track your personal data via cookies, you can either block all cookies or can specifically allow cookies of your choice, or can disallow cookies of third parties or vendors. If you are using Google’s Chrome browser you can read about managing cookies by following this link.

If you are willing to block third-party vendor cookies except for Google you can block them by visiting this page.

You can also block personalized ads by going to Google’s Ads Settings (sign-in required) page.

By disabling cookies or personalized ads you won’t be able to see relevant ads or the ads for the products that you might be interested in.

Google Analytics Cookie Policy

PriceActionTrades uses Google Analytics cookies to track user activities on this website. By entering or continue using this website you agree to our Analytics cookie policy and give consent to send Google Analytics cookies to your device or browser. The activities that we keep tracking include but are not limited to, like users’ search patterns, bounce rate etcetera to help improve the contents and other such elements of the website.

If you don’t wish to keep track via Google Analytics cookies, you can use Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. This add-on will allow you to opt out of all the Google Analytics cookies from any website.

Email Subscription Cookie Policy

PriceActionTrades does provide an email subscription or newsletter feature and collects information such as your email address, name, etc. to send you more personal newsletters into your inbox. By entering such personal information in a subscription or opt-in form, you give consent to retain that personal information with us for future reference.

If you have already subscribed to the email newsletter and don’t wish to retain your private information with this site then you can unsubscribe from the newsletter subscription by clicking on the link “Unsubscribe” in one of the newsletters sent from PriceActionTrades.